Sunday, July 5, 2009

the circle of One who never ends

I must dream.

It is the call of being alive. To live a life without desire is nothing more than mundane, and I refuse to walk through this world as though I am merely another animal.
I must dream, and these fantasies must be bold and beautiful.
And so, I find myself at His feet again. The only thing worth dreaming about is love. It alone is wild enough, vast enough, and rich enough. He is love. No one else is love. Only Him.

So what else can I dream about? What else can I long for?
He starts all my dreams, and they all end up with nothing else left.

I must speak.

I cannot ignore this burning in my heart and soul. This fire would consume me if left alone, so I must find a way to pour it out. But how? What should be done with passion as intense as white-hot flames? The answer must be in the source.
So I look to the maker of my soul, and I see that I burn for the joy of His salvation and the longing of His face.

What else could I do with these flames but pour them out at His feet in worship, and then use them as a testimony to spark the same in others? Fire that is born of the Lord will not be quenched in any other way but in His presence, and even there, it will not go out, but only grow.

Dreams and flames and all such things are the same. They come from Him, are satisfied by Him, and then in His glory they are sparked anew. Our lives are eternity already. And the best part is that we have forever to discover them and waste them at His feet.

1 comment:

Kaitlin Brindley said...

This is absolutely beautiful! You write so beautifully! I miss you like crazy!