Sunday, March 21, 2010

the union of love

Last week, I went to Ecuador.
It was a mission trip.
aka: i was there for ministry, to minister.

So I left my college town, traveled down to another world, and walked into an Ecuadorian church on sunday morning surrounded by spanish-speaking lovers of God.Two songs into worship and I felt the peace of God fall on my heart. In His perfect love and wisdom, He released me from the very thing my heart was aching from the weight of carrying.

I don't care how many times I have to relearn His ways, if He keeps needing to correct me, I'll keep coming back.

And this is my constant education:
There really is no striving in the Kingdom of God.
You can't impress Him. You can't win His love or buy His favor.

For me,
I have to let His love wash over my heart even more often than everyday. Moment by moment, He is willing to affirm my identity as a beloved daughter, and I just need to receive.

I am my beloved's,
and His desire is for me.
Come, my beloved,
let us go out into the country,
Let us spend the night
in the villages.
Let us rise early and go to
the vineyards;
Let us see whether the
vine has budded
and it's blossoms have opened,
and whether the pomengranates have bloomed.
There I will give you my love.
The madrakes have given forth fragrance;
and over our doors are all choice fruits,
Both new and old,
which I have saved up for you, my beloved.

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