Saturday, October 25, 2008

mas que conquistador

I am a junior nursing major at Clemson, and I have 53 people in my class with me (all the other 1st semester junior nurses). The Lord has been continually showing me recently how much He loves my class and how much He is working in their hearts. So I had been praying for all my classmates for awhile, and eventually the Lord really laid it on my heart to speak to my classmates and tell them about His love. Specifically on a Wednesday night (at transition… yeah good stuff) the Lord told me to speak to my class the next morning. So my 8:15am class I went up to the front of the room and asked my professor if I could make an announcement. She said that it was fine with her so I faced my class and waited for them to be quiet. When everyone was facing me and listening I told them all that the Lord had told me to tell them that He loves them all so much, and that He is coming for them; that they are his daughters and his son (I only have one guy in my class) and that He wants to claim their hearts! I told them that they shouldn’t let anything come between them and the Lord; I told them to enjoy His love and be blessed by it. Then I sat down. Multiple conversations have occurred after this. The Lord is continuing to impress Himself upon their souls, and it is super fun to see how much He is chasing them down!

Later that same day, I was leaving FCA and had gotten in my car to drive back to my apt, and as I was driving by downtown, my heart was breaking for all the students crowded into bars just trying to find some satisfaction in life. I was so broken for how much they need the Lord, and I kept thinking about how good it would be if someone would go to them and speak the Gospel. So then the Lord told me to do that…. No lie; I was like, “say what now? Lord, girls like me don’t just walk into bars and start talking about You.” But the Lord just really laid it on my heart that I was a conqueror through Him and that He wanted these people to hear about his love. So after Jesus talked me through this, I ended up parking my car and walking up to the first bar I saw on the corner of downtown (Griffins? I think that’s the name) and there was a guy singing and playing guitar at the front of the bar, so I waited for him to finish his song and then completely by God’s grace, I walked up to him and asked if I could borrow his microphone. He asked me why and I told him that God had told me to make an announcement. He was a Christian and after asking if I would be brief, he just handed me the mike. I faced the bar and told everyone that the Lord told me to come and tell them how much He loves them. I told them that it didn’t matter how they felt about the Lord, even if they hated Him, that He was so in love with them and that He was coming to claim their hearts. Then I gave the mike back to the singer and walked out.

The Lord is good. He is a God of love, and He wants people to know it, so get ready. He’s gonna be using his children to spread the news. New boldness is coming down from heaven, and some "ordinary" Christians are about to get jacked up.

"Owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.....
Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore, let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of the light. Let us behave properly as in the day, not in carousing or drunkenness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife or jealously, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts."

Romans 13:8 & 11-14

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I've got to have it.

Freaking JESUS

love it.
It's just the craziest best stuff ever.
None so High and Holy. King of Kings One and only.

i literally can't describe the way that i am seeing the Lord move, other than fire. Flames from the Lord consuming all. It's so good.... I don't even know what to say. Fullness of Joy... better than any pleasure on earth. Better.
Don't look for anything else. Don't search, don't test, don't try anything else. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Just taste it. It's that good. No convincing, no debates, no persuasion. Just taste it. It satisfies. Nothing else brings this satisfaction. Oh it's so good.

The harvest has come. Look up! Do you see it? Do you want it? Are you hungry, aching, broken, crying out for the Kingdom to come? Ask for it. Let's be hungry for it. Let's be HUNGRY for it. Ah, we're asking for it. It's coming.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

"the cross of Christ is such a burden as wings are to a bird or sails to a ship"

oh the love of Christ... it blows my mind everyday. I don't know what to do with it. But i know that i can't do anything without it, and that is cause for celebration. Oh how good it is to be dependent on God. How good it is to rely on Him for every need, every desire, every breath. There is nothing else like this, nothing so beautiful, nothing so holy.
For some very strange reason, we have been told in the past that dependence is somehow a burden. That it's hard, but we Christians just have to make that sacrifice. How many times have we heard that having a "quiet time" (gosh, i hate even that phrase. What if God wants to be loud? No lie: sometimes Jesus and I scream together.) is just a daily sacrifice that we need to find time for? But that's not the way it has to be, in fact, i am willing to claim that it is not even the way that God intended it. Ha. Boo on that satan, you will not convince me that spending time with the Lord is a chore.
Let's talk about what God intended, the Bible speaks of this wonderfully insane relationship of a bride and a bridegroom. This beautiful metaphor names Christ as a husband and the church as His wife, and just to clarify, by Church He means His body of believers, not a building or a steeple cuz we get that one confused sometimes too. For clarification see Ephesians 6, the book of Hosea, and Ezekiel 16(the latter two are written more specifically about Israel, but the comparison still holds true so don't let that stop you).
So God created and redeemed us in the beautiful image and desire of alluring us intimately. Mmmmhmm. That's good stuff. The Lord of all, dying on a cross, crying out, "I want to be your lover. Your husband. Your beloved." How utterly mind-blowing. The more i see it, the longer i stand around speechless. Oh the call of Christ is wild. Wild, and terrifying, and risky, and beautiful, and bold. And the scariest part is that we have made Him out to be mundane. In this slightly ridiculous power that we have to impact the world for good or for bad, we have spoken into generations of dying people that Christ is commonplace. We have preached that we go to church every week out of duty and that we open our Bibles twenty minutes a day because that's what God wants us to do, or even worst yet, because it makes us better people. Let's no longer live this lie. Forget what anyone has ever told you about what your time with the Lord is supposed to look or feel like. Jesus just wants to be with you. Dance with Him, Lay in His arms, Sing, Cry, Laugh out loud, Go running with Him, throw your arms in the air and scream about His love, paint, write, rap, take pictures of His creation, Go eat with Jesus, Go driving and roll your windows down and know that the Lord is good enough to create simple pleasures like the wind on your face. Let's all give up the idea that we have to sacrifice a certain amount of time everyday for God and that its a burden but He wants us to do it. Freaking no. Humanity is the burden. Christ is the liberation. We should be enjoying the freedom.

"I want to sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hands
Lay back against you and breathe
And feel your heartbeat

This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I drown in your peace
It's overwhelming."